Projects Together we can make a difference

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Food Donation at Slums

Food insecure peoples experience higher rates of diet-related health issues, including obesity and type 2 diabetes, etc. We distributes the food to those who have difficulty purchasing enough to avoid hunger in slums and streets.

Social and Cultural

Social and Cultural Programs

We participate in social causes like Swach Bharath,etc which helps our community in live a better world. Our childern also participate in differnt cultural activites like sports, dance, singing

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Blood Donation

The blood we donate gives someone another chance at Life. There is no great joy than saving a soul and bring a life back to power. As every blood donor is a life saver, We make blood donation is our responsibility to the society.

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Cloth Distribution

To give an underprivileged person a pair of clothes is as good as dressing him with self-respect. With this objective we distribute usable garments to the poorest of the poor children, women and men of all ages in slums, orphanages and old age houses.

Environmental Protection

Environmental Protection

Our planet is changing. We inspire people to plant, nurture and celebrate trees. Together, we're making our world cleaner and greener. In our yard and around the orphange, we're planting trees where they're needed most.

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Health and Hygiene

For children, maintenance of personal hygiene helps to improve the quality of life and longevity. which is important for a healthy childhood, for a healthy adulthood and for the development of positive values about health and the use of health services